Saturday 16 January 2010

New Contemporaries 2010

The deadline for newcontemporaries 2010 is FRIDAY 19 FEBRUARY 2010.

This is the chance for current 3rd year students to apply for the New Contemporaries exhibition. Last years chosen artists exhibited at the Cornerhouse in Manchester.

'New Contemporaries gives people still at, or just after, art school the opportunity to show their work in the context of a professional art gallery. It is important in that it takes the work out of the educational context and into the real. The relationship between education and art is known, respected, but strangely not recognised enough. As an organisation New Contemporaries is, however, totally independent of the art school as it allows applicants a democratic chance for the work itself to shine through. Reputations that might otherwise become set within the art school system are able to break out. '

Please go to the New Contemporaries website for application details.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Secrets & Hopes Project

Phillipa Nicholas has set up a blog for her Secrets & Hopes project. 3rd Year Print student Phillipa is asking you to send her your Secrets and Hopes. Please log onto her blog at and follow the instructions.
Phillipa will use these to construct her Crane chain.